Sunday 21 May 2017


My local photography group were running a competition with the title Reflections. I looked in my archive and found the following images that I had forgotten about. I've been studying for my BA(Hons) and filed these away as they were not required, but I like them so, I hope you do too.
Feel free to critique as no offence will be taken as we all have something to learn.

Saturday 7 February 2015


More on the theme  of texture peeling paint and tarmac.

Sunday 1 February 2015


I've been looking at natural textures recently in and about the city streets of Manchester.
Peeling paint on building I feel tells a story from past to present. Each layer of paint
 revels a part of the history of the building. The colours shapes and texture I find interesting.

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Some of my images from YSP.

Some images of YSP The wood carvings
are by Ursula Von Rydingsvard

Saturday 1 October 2011

Floating Leaf

I was looking at the fountain in St Annes Sq Manchester
Everyone was taking pictures of the fountain (and why not)
I just saw this leaf floating by and thought that it looked

Tuesday 20 September 2011


I Added some texture to this image in ps.