Friday 26 August 2011

Drift Wood

This is part of a large tree washed up on St Annes beach.

Thursday 25 August 2011

Sunday 21 August 2011

St Anne`s

This is a view of St Anne`s pier. taken from the arcade on the pier
is was not possible to go any further so i took this through the

Tractors on the beach leave  some lovely pattens.

Monday 15 August 2011

St Annes

Walking on St Anne`s beach recently, snapping away with my camera
i found the remains of the old pier quite interesting.

Thursday 11 August 2011


I was in the Midlands on Tuesday and witnessed some of the rioting scum on the streets.
In the following images i have merged several photo`s together to try and give some idea
 what it was like to be witnessing such inexcusable behaviour. I have some particularly good
images of some of the looters with their`Stolen Goods which are now in the hands of the police.

Monday 1 August 2011


The following image were taken on our recent visit to Yorkshire Sculpture Park

These sculptures are by Jaume Plensa.

More of these Sculptures can be seen on my Flickr account